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Feed & Water

Grubs - Dried, Live and Breed Your Own

Calsiworm & Mealworm

Grubs are a nourishing daily treat or snack that chickens and flocks love. Most common are Calsiworms (black soldier fly) & Mealworms.


With every peck of high quality, sustainably grown grubs, your flock will get the nutrients and minerals for healthy feathers and strong eggshells.


Dried Mealworms are typically higher in protein; however, Calciworms are much higher in fat and, of course, calcium. Black soldier fly grubs contain about 50x more calcium than mealworms, and all of that calcium is immediately usable thanks to the presence of phosphorus!


In order to keep your birds happy and healthy throughout the year you can either alternate between the two types of worms during different seasons, or mix the two together all year round. Make them an extra special treat by soaking in water over night to rehydrate.


Dried or Live?

While dried grubs are packed with nutrients and minerals, a percentage will be lost in the drying process. Another consideration is that live grubs are packed with water which will help with the digestive process. A live grub will also attract a chickens attention and the chicken can gain some form of enrichment from the "live" chase. 


Breed Your Own!

To take the process a step further, you can "grow your own". This link takes you through the process​​

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