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Coop Bedding & Run Ground Cover  

Ground cover within a chicken run can be anything from wood bark and chips, straw and grass through to bare ground (not recommended because it will turn to mud in wet weather). Organic materials tend to break down quickly but are good for compost when the time comes to change it and the chickens will dig through it again. Sharp sand or pea gravel (don’t use weed membrane underneath) are both popular choices for durability, especially for ground that becomes waterlogged in wet weather. Whatever you choose, make sure your chickens can easily scratch and dig.

Whatever you use on the floor and the nesting boxes of your chicken coop must not create dust. If it does your chickens will develop raspatory problems. Natural wood fibres, Straw and natural hemp are all good choices. Many are now turning to sand as it’s easy to sift out the poop and refresh, it’s also good to mix some DE through it. If you go for sand its prudent to cover the floor with lino or similar to protect the floor underneath the sand. However, if you don’t seal around the edges, it could become a haven for red mite.

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